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Create and Edit a Space

Create your own collaborative Team Space

Jean-Edouard avatar
Written by Jean-Edouard
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to Spaces

Once you have logged in, you will have access to the different Team Spaces in your Hub. They can be filtered in 3 ways:

  • Latest Spaces: This is a quick summary of the 10 most recently edited Team Spaces of your Hub (this will also include any Team Spaces that you may not be invited to participate in).

  • My Spaces: In this category, you will find only Spaces you’re participating in. As a user, you can enter all of these Spaces and edit their settings and their Experiences.

  • All: Here you will find all the Spaces of the Hub.

Create a Space

Click on the "+ Create a New Space" button in the top right of the window to create your own Team Space.

  • Title: Usually the title will be the name of your department. But it can also be the name that best describes all the Virtual Experiences that are part of that Space.

  • Description: Similar to the title, the description will also be publicly visible to anyone who has access to the Team Space. The description gives general information about the different Virtual Experiences that participants can find here.

  • Poster Image: This is an image (or a logo) to brand your Team Space (JPG recommended).

Save your progress and you will jump to your new Space.

Edit a Space

To edit a Space, click on the three dots on the top right of the Team Space banner:

  • Edit: To edit all information filled out during the creation of the Team Space (i.e., the Title, Description, and Poster Image)

  • Delete Team Space: This will erase the Team Space and all the Virtual Experiences that are part of it.

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