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Analytics Dashboards

Get metrics & insights about your experiences

Elie Mietkiewicz avatar
Written by Elie Mietkiewicz
Updated over 4 months ago


The Analytics Dashboards provide key information to all team members involved in the creation and deployment of Experiences using Wonda.

There are three Analytics Dashboards available:

  1. At the Hub level, to get a general overview of the usage of Wonda across your organisation Hub (admin only)

  2. At the Space level, to get usage insights on a group of Experiences

  3. At the Experience level, to get usage insights on a specific Experience

Key Usage Information provided:

  • general engagement metrics (session, duration, interactions, ai usage...)

  • user session logs

  • quiz results

  • assessment reports


Here is a general introduction to each of the main dashboards available in Wonda (free and paid plans).

1. HUB Analytics Dashboard (Admin only)

Image 1: The Hub Analytics

The Hub Analytics Dashboard, is accessible for all users with admin permissions from the icon on the top right of the top bar.

It is splittedin two main tabs:

  • Overview: the overall usage across all Experiences.
    Keep track of your general usage metrics (session count, active user count) over time and across all Experiences and most active creators.

  • By Experience: key metrics of the most active experiences
    If you want to explore further and check what are the most popular experiences in your hub you can check the By Experience tab, you will get some keys numbers and the list of the ten most popular experience in your hub, according to the number of visitors, the number of sessions or the average time per session.

Note: By default, all information is filtered for the last 12 months. Use the dedicated time selector's dropdown menu to adjust this filter.

2. SPACE Analytics Dashboard

Image 2: The Space Analytics

The Space Analytics Dashboard is available for all registered Space Participants (with editing rights) for any given Space.

It is accessible from the Analytics button in each Space and provides insights about the experiences in any given Space (most visited, completion rates etc.)

Here you can find general informations about your Space usage metrics, including:

  • General usage metrics across all Experiences from this Space

    • total number of active Experiences

    • number of visitors

    • number of sessions

    • average duration / session

    • completion rate

  • Specific usage metrics for each Experiences

Note: By default, all information is filtered for the last 12 months. Use the dedicated time selector's dropdown menu to adjust this filter.

3. EXPERIENCE Analytics Dashboard

Image 3: The Experience Analytics

The Experience Analytics Dashboard is available for all registered Space Participants (with editing rights) for any given Space.

It is accessible from the Space Dashboard and from the Editor of each Experience.

It provides insights about any given Experience across 6 main navigation tabs:

  • Overview to get general insights about your experience

    • number of visitors

    • number of sessions

    • average duration / session

    • completion rate

    • overview of the the visitors traffic

    • most recent sessions

  • Visitors to see the time spent, score & completion for each visitor.
    From there you can also access a specific visitor sessions & quizzes answers. Note that your participants need an account to be logged (Wonda account, SSO or LTI) to appear in that list, they will be referred as Anonymous otherwise.

  • AI Assessment (beta) to review reports and edit the AI assessment criteria
    More about this feature

  • Content to see a detailed view of engagement metrics on your experience content.
    This is especially useful to check if the overall progression was effective or if some content need to be improved to improve completion rate and desired goals.

  • Sessions to inspect users session logs in details.
    This is especially useful to investigate detailed navigation journeys of any given visitor during design/test phases. You can click on a session name to get more details about the selected session.

  • Quizzes to get the results of visitors for each quiz.

Note: By default, all information is filtered for the last 12 months. Use the dedicated time selector's dropdown menu to adjust this filter.


  • I don’t see the score and completion on my dashboard.

    > Make sure you enabled the scoring and completion on your experience. Then track the Sessions and Content tabs to check if your users are able to reach all parts of the experience.

  • I have too much different experiences in my hub, it’s difficult to get relevant insights.

    > You can reorganize your experiences by creating new Spaces and moving the experiences between them.

  • I want to get my students results directly in my LMS instead.

    > You can use the LMS integration to send your students score directly to your own LMS.

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