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Billing and Pricing
Billing and Pricing

Frequently Asked Questions about Wonda's pricing & billing options

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Written by Wonda
Updated over a week ago

What limitations are on the Free plan ?

With the Free plan you have access to one Space and 3 experiences. There is no limitation in term of functionalities in the editor but your experience will display a Watermark.

If you need to create more content, or to get access to more advanced features such as LMS or SSO integration, you can upgrade to our paid plans. Discover our plans here

How do you count Sessions?

One session is counted when a visitor (registered or anonymous guest) launches the experience and make at least one interaction (launch a video, start a conversation etc.)

The default number of sessions for each plans is available on our website. Discover our plans here

How do you count Users?

If you recently bought a new hub we don't limit the number of users anymore, just check the number of sessions. If you previously bought the Essential or Campus plan then the below informations still apply:

An Organization Registered User is either:

  • Someone who has logged in to your Organization's Hub to create an Experience

  • Someone who has been authentified via oAuth, LTI or SSO when accessing an Experience

Users are all listed in your Organization's Hub settings and are uniquely identified with an email and/or username. For Essential plan the count is reset each month.

Can I remove users from my Hub?

Yes, you can remove any users from your Organization's Hub so he or she can no longer access your Hub content.

Can I subscribe for 3 months?

You can subscribe for minimum 12-month licensing periods. If you need to further evaluate Wonda before making a purchasing decision, we do offer an extended evaluation license for 3 months. See below.

What is the extended evaluation license?

We can provide an extended evaluation license for a maximum of 3 months so you can prototype with access to all features like LTI or SSO while you are getting budget approval.

At the end of your extended trial you can either pay the normal licence and enjoy your content or cancel your subscription and you will return to Free plan with the attached limitations.

Contact [email protected] for more information on pricing.

What payment options do you offer?

We do offer Credit Card or Wire Transfer payment. We do not accept checks.

Do you offer discounts for Non Profit organizations?

Yes, we do offer discounts for Research Projects and Non Profits. Contact [email protected] for more information.

What happens at the end of the billing period?

If you have not contacted us at least 30 days before the end of your billing period to end your subscription, we will automatically renew your subscription.

Can I end my licensing period before the end of the billing period?

Yes. If you decide to leave in the first 3 months, we’ll make sure you get a refund for the unused period.

Is there any limit on Guest Visitors (Visitors who are not registered)?

Essentials Plan and Campus Plan come with a limited of available Guest Pass credits during any given annual license period. (Essentials: 5,000 Guest passes for example)

Once you reach the guest user yearly credit limit, extra guest users will be blocked so only registered users can connect. You can upgrade your plan at any time to increase your Guest Pass credits.

Do you reset Registered User and Guest Credits Counts at the beginning of a new billing period?

When you renew your account for a new period, we reset the number of Registered and users and Guest pass credits. 
Yet, you keep all data associated with any users from the previous period.

What happens if you go over the registered user limit?

We won’t restrict you from adding new users when you need to. 

If you exceed the users included in your plan you will be charged an overage per user at the start of the next billing period according to our detailed pricing plan.

I joined Wonda Immersive Lab a few years ago, can I migrate my project to a Free Plan or Essentials Plan?

Wonda Immersive Lab was launched in 2016 as a temporary experimental space for early adopters of Wonda and it has remained open for those who joined in 2016-2017. It will be soon depreciated and we advise to upgrade to either our Free, Essentials Plan or Campus Plan to benefit from our latest features, including:

  • Access the list of users and manage permissions

  • Access all Spaces and experiences created within your Hub

  • Edit the Hub branding (title and logo that will show off on every experience created within your Hub)

  • Activate third party integration settings such as Kaltura, SSO and LTI settings

  • Access the Hub analytics

  • Access the Hub billing information

  • Priority technical support provided by email

Please contact us if you have any question about the migration.

I'm on the Essential or Campus Plan, do you count users on a monthly or yearly basis?

We keep count of Registered Users who are active on a monthly basis.

i.e.: if you purchase a subscription for 50 users, this will allow for a maximum of 50 different active Users per month. Each active User may be different every month.

I'm on the Essential or Campus Plan, what’s the difference between Visitors, Registered Users and Guest Users?

  • Visitors include both Registered Users (including via LTI) who belong to your Organization's Hub and any Guest Users who have accessed your experiences but do not belong to your organization.

  • We only charge you for Registered Users who belong to your Organization's Hub and/or Guest Visitors

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