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How to Setup your Custom Environment
How to Setup your Custom Environment

How to implement your own 360° Skybox and 3D Room

Elie Mietkiewicz avatar
Written by Elie Mietkiewicz
Updated over 12 months ago

Wonda comes with a set of Templates with pre-built 3D environment and 360° Skyboxes but you can also import your own. Here is how.


Each experience can contain a 360° Skybox (a.k.a. "Skybox" only), a 3D Room, or both.

The Skybox is the object that surrounds the experience we're in. It's a spherical image or video placed at an infinite distance. Often, this skybox contains the sky.

The 3D Room is the environment in which we can move, surrounded by the Skybox.

After this short tutorial, you will be able to:

Note: this tutorial is not a 3D modelling tutorial. We are focusing here on the last steps you need to go through to import your creation in Wonda.

  1. Set up your 360° Skybox

    You don't need any software to setup a Skybox in Wonda. However, you may need for websites to find or generate 360 content.

    1. Find or generate a Skybox

      There are a lot of websites giving you access to free 360 images. Polyhaven is one of them.

      Otherwise, you can generate your own Skybox using BlockadeLabs and download it as shown just below.

      [optimize output image]

    2. Importing your own Skybox in Wonda.

      It is actually very easy: all you have to do is to drag and drop your image directly in the Skybox Library in Wonda Player or Wonda Editor as shown below.

      From Wonda Player

      If the option [Experience Settings > Advanced > Allow Skybox Edition Participants only)] is checked and if you have the Participants rights, you can access your Skyboxes directly in the Wonda Player. Change it on the fly after opening the Skybox Library by clicking on the Change Skybox Icon at the top-right of the screen.

      Note: you can import your new Skybox by drag and dropping your image directly in the Player.

      From Wonda Editor

      [optimize output image]

      Note: a default thumbnail will be created.

      You may have noticed in the gif above that you can also Rotate this Skybox in the Editor.

  2. [Advanced] Set up a 3D Room in Wonda using Blender

    You can import any 3D environment into Wonda regardless of the 3D modelling software you are using. One of them, Blender, is a free Open Source software which we will use as a reference here for the 3D part.


      Check that your 3D model meets the requirements

      • Max Polygons count: 100k

      • Max Texture Resolution: 4K (higher resolution will not work on mobile)

      • Recommended material number: less than 10

    2. Create a plane to simulate where the Main Display will be positioned after you import your 3D room into Wonda. Scale the image to reach 4 meters in width and change its position to: (X:0,00 Y:3,00 Z:1,50).

      → Keep in mind that the Player Spawn Point is fixed at (X:0 Y:0 Z:0).

      → This means that the player faces the Blender +Y direction on spawn.

      Note: it will not be visible in your Wonda project si you can use any sample image

    3. Move your 3D Environment around this image to make sure the Main Display is in the desired position (against a wall for example).

      Note: don't move the image itself as it's only a helper, move the room around instead.

      Note: be careful that your room's floor height remains at Z:0,00.

    4. Create a new mesh (let it without material) that will be your walkable area, and rename it "Wonda_navmesh".

      Please remind that your navigation mesh must:

      1. be positioned above the floor

      2. must contain the spawn point located in (0:0:0);

      3. have its normals oriented in the direction of the user.

      Note: if you don't set up a Navigation Mesh, the walkable area will be an infinite one. More info in the Navigation Mesh article.


      Once the Room is correctly prepared:

      Go to file > Export > glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf) then click "Export gtlTF 2.0". If you didn't baked the lights check the Punctual Lights option.

    6. Open Wonda, select your 3D experience and click on the 3D Environment to open the Room Library (as shown below), then simply drag & drop the .glb or .gltf file you just exported and select it as the 3D Environment of your Experience.
      Note: by default a default thumbnail will be created

    7. Don't forget to update the thumbnail and title of your experience. See how to edit the experience settings.

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