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Checklist for a Successful Multiplayer Session
Checklist for a Successful Multiplayer Session

Our inside tips for a successful multiplayer session

Jean-Edouard avatar
Written by Jean-Edouard
Updated over a week ago

Follow these recommendations to ensure a good Multiplayer Session to all participants

Checking your presentation

  • Make sure your experience doesn’t start with an autoplay video because the playback will be out of sync for newcomers

  • If you want to display the avatar, make sure the project starts with a 2D scene (instead of a 360 photo or video)

Technical check before starting your session

  • Be sure your VR headset is fully charged as a low battery headset might decrease the performance

  • Use headphones to keep everyone immersed into the experience and avoid potential audio feedback echo loops

  • Ensure your internet connection is the strong enough to handle a video conferencing tool like Google Meet or Zoom

  • Check that your browser is up to date. Oculus Browser is recommended in VR and Google Chrome on Desktop.

Other Tips and troubleshooting

  • If you cannot see nor hear a participant, this may be caused by a WebRTC issue. Check if your device support WebRTC.

  • If your VR headset and/or controller battery is running low, open the same link on your Desktop to continue the session

  • In case you find a lot of echo, ask participants to use headphones as this may be the primary reason for the echo to occur. If this is not possible, ask the participant to mute him/herself, or mute it yourself with presenter right.

  • For best performance in VR, use 6 DOF headsets such as the Meta Quest 2 with Oculus Browser

For seamless audio transition from a video conferencing tool to Wonda with your participants, you can keep the audio microphone activated on the video conferencing tool everyone is using and ask every participants to enter in mute mode in the VR Multiplayer Session.

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