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Duplicate, Move or Delete an Experience
Duplicate, Move or Delete an Experience

Manage your experiences

Elie Mietkiewicz avatar
Written by Elie Mietkiewicz
Updated over a week ago


If you plan to reuse some content or to make a backup of your experiences you are at the correct place. To access these option simply click on the 3D dots of any experience at the Space level.

Duplicate an experience

Simply click on the Duplicate option. It will generate a copy of the original experience but with a different url. Duplicating experience can be useful if you want to use an experience as a template, if you want to make a backup before making test or if you want several group to attend the same experience at the same time

Move an experience

The Move option allow you to move any experience to another Space you have access to. It can allow you to reorganize your content across Spaces (for example: copy a demo experience to several departments).

Note that this option is available only for Admin on Essential or Campus plans (How to give admin access)

Delete an experience

If you don't need an experience anymore you can delete it with the Delete option. This is only available if you created the experience yourselves or are an Admin.

Note that this can't be undone so be careful. Contact us using the in-app chat if you have any issue.

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